Iconic Architecture in Asakusa

Beer-shaped building, Skytree and the "golden flame"

The "golden flame" atop a sheer black granite building, well, you just can't miss it in Asakusa. Asahi Beer Hall is one of the more iconic buildings in Tokyo. Though some may say the figure, which was actually modeled after submarine-building techniques, doesn't look like a flame, the company says it represents the spirit of the workers, according to an article on Tokyo Architecture Info's website.

Asahi Beer Hall is a 3 minute-walk from Asakusa Station. Next to it is another Asahi Beer Tower, a golden building with zigg-zagging edges actually shaped to look like a giant glass of beer! These buildings are just a sample of the artistic architecture found in the Sumida River area in Asakusa. And, of course, Tokyo Skytree is in this area, too.

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